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Writer's pictureTallulah Shepard

Final Project Resources

Objective: Create a capstone project that addresses a specific climate challenge in your community or around the San Francisco Estuary, incorporating the knowledge and skills acquired during the fellowship. The project should demonstrate an understanding of environmental justice, local climate issues, planning and policy development, and effective communication strategies.

Assignment Overview: Throughout the 9-month fellowship, you will develop a project proposal that will be presented at the final Climate Summit in June 2025. This project will serve as a practical application of the concepts learned in each session and should aim to inspire and facilitate climate and environmental action within your community.

You have a choice of completing this project as an individual or as a group of 3 people maximum.

Project Requirements:

  1. Identify a Climate Challenge:

    • Select a local climate issue and/or the San Francisco Estuary that resonates with you or your community. This could range from air quality, water conservation, food systems, sea level rise, or any other relevant topic.

  2. Research and Data Collection:

    • Utilize data tools introduced during the sessions (Google Earth, PurpleAir, iTreeCanopy, CalEnviroScreen etc.) to gather information and analyze the chosen climate challenge.

    • Include qualitative and quantitative data to support your project.

  3. Climate and Environmental Justice Analysis:

    • Explain how the selected climate issue intersects with climate and environmental justice.

    • Highlight the impact on vulnerable communities in Fairfield and/or Suisun and propose equitable solutions.

  4. Solution Development:

    • Develop a detailed plan to address the climate challenge. This should include:

      • Objectives and goals.

      • Proposed actions and interventions.

      • Potential partners and stakeholders.

      • Timeline and milestones.

  5. Community Engagement:

    • Plan activities to involve and educate the community about the problem and your proposed solutions.

    • Utilize storytelling techniques learned in the Communication and Advocacy Workshop to effectively convey your message.

  6. Policy and Advocacy:

    • Identify relevant local policies and regulations.

    • Develop an advocacy plan to influence policy changes or support existing beneficial policies.

    • Highlight any opportunities for grassroots organizing.

  7. Green Infrastructure and Permaculture (if applicable):

    • Incorporate elements of green infrastructure or permaculture where relevant.

    • Describe how these practices can enhance the resilience of your community.

  8. Final Presentation:

    • Prepare a presentation to showcase your project at the Climate Summit.

    • Use visuals, data, and narratives to make your case compelling.

    • Be prepared to answer questions from peers, community members, and stakeholders.


  • September 2024 (Sessions 1 - 2) : Project introduction and brainstorming.

  • October 2024 - April 2025 (Sessions 2 - 8): 

    • Individual monthly check-ins with Devin and/or Sadie

    • Use sessions to refine your project 

  • April 2025 - May 2025 (Sessions 8 - 9): Finalize project details and prepare a presentation.

  • June 2025 (Session 10): Present project at the Climate Summit.


  1. Submit a written report detailing your project by April 2025, including key resources, speakers and/or

  2. Prepare a presentation (PowerPoint, poster, video, performance, etc.) for the Climate Summit.

Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Relevance: Addresses a significant local climate challenge and the San Francisco Estuary.

  2. Research: Uses data and analysis effectively.

  3. CEJ Integration: Demonstrates understanding of environmental justice.

  4. Feasibility: Presents a realistic and actionable plan.

  5. Community Impact: Potential to engage and benefit the community.

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